Freckled Girl


The freckled-faced girl lives in a suburb of New York City. Her parents used to live in an apartment in the city before they migrated to greener pastures. Her mansion is a Barbie dream house come true, with bouquets of tulips, food always prepared and on hand, and a fence surrounding them like a fortress. The girl jumps out of bed like the world is in her corner.

She is not of noble blood but you would never have guessed. Her parents regularly take her to Broadway auditions, currently only snagging background parts. I guess you could call her a child actor with dreams of becoming a famous actress. Her other dream is of her wedding day in a venue or possibly on a boat as they sail into the sunset. She loves the water. Her parents take her on regular trips to the Hamptons, the Florida Keys and the French Riviera. The theme will be flower power, with an obscene amount of all different types of flowers. Her favorite color is pink. Pink walls, pink clothes, pink shoes, pink nails. Her favorite movie is Mean Girls and obviously Wednesday’s she wears pink.

You would never know her parents are drunks, among other drugs, spending most of her early years in and out of rehab. She was pretty much raised to this point by a lady assigned to her home by the cleaning crew her Grandmother hired. Even though she is perfectly capable of keeping things clean herself. At least her parents aren’t fat, that’s a whole other epidemic she hopes to avoid in her adulthood. Luckily she moves like the wind in her weekly dance class. Although she has been known to have a bagel with chives for breakfast and her favorite meal is dim sum. What her life must look like through a looking glass.


Hold Please


Eating French Baguettes