Hot Tub

It was a cold winter's evening, so Ted and I decided to get in the hot tub. We bought a tiny 3-person hot tub with the thought of using it religiously but that never materialized. This is the 2nd time we have used it in the last 6-months. The first time was the day we bought it. To be fair, we tried to use it multiple times in between these occasions, with no success. In December, when we were getting our bathing suits on, we were interrupted by Ted fainting which was followed up by 5-hours in the emergency room. It turned out he was dehydrated from all the drinking at holiday parties. First world problems. Some people are actually dehydrated from a lack of clean water. We just opted for liquor instead.

When we went to use the hot tub last month it was cold and wouldn’t heat up. It took several weeks to get the tech out and the tub back up and running. The technician tried explaining the problem. I was more interested in if he fixed it. Especially for $500 a visit. I am not usually a fighter, but I couldn’t restrain myself from interrupting him mid-sentence with: I. Do. Not. Care. I blame it on all the sugar I had today. I am to blame for eating the said sugar, but the sugar is to blame for any of my poor decisions and behavior.


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