Listen to the Waves

Ocean Waves

I have Miles Davis' jazz album on in the background as I beat the eggs with a whisk. I usually tend to go for the Blues. Something with a little saxophone or violin, but I needed an upbeat tempo today. That cannibalism story really got in my head and has me a bit mopey and self-pitying over the amount of meat I eat. Lamb meat is just so moist when you marinate it for 147 hours. It’s quite a commitment, but well worth it. It usually cooks to this rose color, and you know it’s complete.

My vision is out of focus and blurry from cutting all of these onions, I can barely see. I’ve shed so many onion tears, I could fill the sea. I haven’t cried this much since visiting the cemetery after the death of my dog. Blah. I just need to do something. Eat this delicious meal to feel rejuvenated. It will be cleansing for my body to be nourished.

It feels like I need a buoy to stay afloat. A buoy will do nothing if a shark gets you. Those monsters have been popping up right and left, everywhere. I’m not sure if it is the same shark going far distances or schools of sharks. Do they travel in schools? Dolphins hangout in schools. They are also cuter and not as aggressive for no apparent reason.

Anyway, blah. Time to cut the mango. No tears there with its sweetness. I am going to have rotten teeth from all the sweetness. I wish I was listening to the waves while staring at the ocean. It’s so calming. Almost makes you feel stoned. I wish I had the wealth to be a globetrotter. Travel around to see all the teal waves and pink sunsets. No more traveling by trains, planes, and automobiles. Unless those cars are driven by someone else. Yachts would be my mode of transportation. Everyone loves a little private boat ride. While sipping a martini and eating Peruvian ceviche. Frequently laughing, because you have nothing to be sad about. Traveling so far and visiting so many countries, that you don’t remember your origin. The globe is so vast and infinite that the climate is never duplicated, just worshiped by the sun goddesses that never seems to age.


It Was Bouchie