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Today was my chores day. Of course I leave everything until the last minute before heading out of town on vacation. I rushed to the florist after putting my clothes in the laundry room. I finally lucked out with two washing machines side-by-side open in this creepy ass basement laundry room. It was clothing and sheets day. I didn’t want to deal with it when I got back. I will already have enough laundry after a 21-day vacation, I don’t need to be taking apart my bed as well. So anyway, after my laundry was in I rushed into the florist to buy an arrangement to drop off to Kit as a ‘get well’. I am not sure what the right thing to buy someone who just had a baby is. She was in the hospital…so, who knows. Of course running into the Floral Shop after the market, I was dropping heads of lettuce everywhere. To be honest with you, I am not sure why I bought more than one head of lettuce right before I am going out of town. I sometimes feel like an inferior adult. I am not organized, on time, and I am usually frazzled to boot. Hopefully all my cares will melt away when I am on the Mediterranean Cruise. I am flying into Greece’s Capital, Athens and then taking a bus south to the coastal town of Laurium to embark on this journey. We are stopping at 6 ports. Mykonos, Corfu, Ibiza, Seville, Cannes, and Istanbul, before heading back to Athens, where I will be flying home from. This is the first solo trip I will be taking. It will either be an ingenious or horrendous idea to be locked on a boat virtually alone. What if I meet no one to talk to. What if I get food poisoning or motion sickness in front of all strangers with no one to cover for me. At least I will have my own room as opposed to when I stayed in those hostels years ago. Honestly, hostel is the right word for those establishments…it felt hostile to be sharing a room with so many strangers.