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The Rest of the Weekend Was Uneventful

I was so cracked out last night. I was afraid I was going to fall and get bruised. I remember the beginning of the night. We were walking down Lincoln Road before heading over to the beach. Some of the group went in the water while the rest of us made a bonfire and just hung around. After a while most everyone came out of the water because it was cold by Miami’s standards, which just meant the temperature dipped below 90 degrees.

Jay and Mindy stayed in long after everyone got out, I am assuming because they were fooling around. I don’t remember how long after this moment, because I was tripping by this point. Could have been 5 minutes or 3 hours. What I do remember is hearing this blood curdling scream. The kind you only hear in movies when Michael Meyers is coming their way. We rush to the edge of the water where we see Mindy flailing her way back onto shore and Jay nowhere in sight. A few of the guys jumped in to help her while the rest of us gazed from shore, dumbfounded.

When they all were out, there was a lot of screaming and we were all trying to find out from Mindy what had happened and where Jay was. It was hard to make out the story between her sobs and panting but the gist was that something was swimming by them, she presumed a shark and then all of a sudden Jay went under. There was no flailing or coming up for air. It was like they felt something brush past their legs and then he was gone. Panicked, Mindy didn’t try to search for him; she just screamed and headed to the shore. I wonder how she is going to feel about that decision tomorrow or next week, next year.

We immediately called the cops who alerted the coast guard. Not sure what they would do. Send Mitch Bucannon? Anyway, we were there for another 3 hours or so while they sent out boats and divers to search for Jay. It was too dark and they were unable to find him…other than that the rest of the weekend was uneventful. Pretty relaxing, actually.