Out Of The Blue


Out of the blue when I was babysitting, I got a black eye. I guess I was just hit in the eye with the anticipation of a black eye that would eventually turn the perimeter of my eye the same deep blue color as my actual eye. It was silly, really. I was tickling the kid and his head went back in laughter and met with my face. This was my first black eye, or injury for that matter. I lived a pretty anticlimactic life up until this point. No one really needed to worry about me because I came from a stable environment, I am an even-keeled personality, I am average at most things. I am, and have always been consistent across the board. 

So, I was stoked about this shiner and the possibility of concern and attention. My teacher was the first person to notice the faint blue bruise framing my eye. She asked if I had a rager last night, because it was that unlikely that I got a shiner from anything other than being uncoordinated. I admitted it was the rager that was my demise and everyone laughed, most likely at the fact that I was more likely to get a black eye walking into a door on the way to a rager than from an actual rager itself. I had a long track record of falling in gym class and tripping in parking lots. I came to be known in this very tiny town as the tripping girl to the few who didn’t know me by name. But for one day, there was a bit of mystery tied to my name.


The Ocean Is Blue


No Difference