The Ocean Is Blue

Clear Blue Ocean

The sky is pink and the ocean is as blue as my eyes. They are bluer after I cry. I always come to the beach when I’m sad and need to think. There is something calming about staring at the sea in silence. I could stay here from sunrise to starry nights. I relax here, play sports here, I lost my virginity here. It’s like I am more fish than mammal. My jewelry is a conch shell necklace.

I’ve learned how to jet ski, paddle board, fish (although fishing isn’t my favorite), in addition to surfing (which is my profession). There is something exhilarating about the waves crashing over me and my surfboard. Occasionally you can find me at the lake but the lack of waves usually deters me.

I miss when things were simple like when I was a girl having princess birthday parties at Disney World in a pink dress while drinking pink lemonade. There were a few years straight where I made my parents take me to every Disney theme park. Disney World in Orlando, Disneyland in Anaheim. I even made my parents take me to Disney in Hong Kong. Their Epcot was more Asian inspired, with a lot of noodles.

So why is it so problematic that Tim gave me a rose gold ring? Didn’t I want to be engaged to him. Did the color of the ring actually matter? He is a stellar guy. Not everything can always be yellow sunshine and butterflies. But shouldn’t it be?


Chanukah Bush


Out Of The Blue