Ridiculously Rich Men Creating Their Own Spaceships

All of these really, really, ridiculously rich men are creating their own spaceship and going into outer space. Branson. Bezos. Must be nice to have stupid money. You can just wake up one morning and not worry about how you will pay your bills, but rather think: Huh. I’m bored. Maybe I’ll try outer space today. Like earth isn’t big enough for you. Not even taking the long distance trek to the moon. Nope. They would rather orbate in infinite space. What if it’s rainy on launch day? Do they have the same requirements as planes and helicopters or do they just go? Because if so, I’m making the airlines reevaluate delaying me every time there is a drizzle. You must really love to be isolated if you’re willing to spend that much time in a spaceship. I got claustrophobic in my first studio apartment and I am pretty sure Branson and Bezos have never seen a studio let alone stayed in one, so not sure how they handled the confines of a spaceship. I bet spaceships are smaller than fallout shelters, and those aren’t built for comfort. I have no bitterness. Nope. Not here. Just hanging around, with a lot of time on my hands to think. There’s that phrase, think for yourself but I’ve never met a person up to any good when excessively thinking. Myself included. My mom always tells me that I was overthinking from birth. I don’t know how she would know that as I couldn’t speak for the first two years of my life. Maybe I just had a pensive look on my face for the first couple of years. Anyway, I can’t afford to go on a spaceship. I can’t even afford a local flight on Spirit Airlines and I am not even sure if their planes have wings or engines, let alone seats and food. I haven’t always been poor. I was quite an affluent child when my parents were paying for things. Then they just stopped one day and it’s been a steep downhill ever since. I’ve been pretty dejected since realizing I could afford more at 7-years-old than at 30. I don’t know math that well, but I was pretty sure things were supposed to get better with time, not worse. I have tried incorporating positivity and being hopeful on what future I have left. So I’ll keep you posted on my potential rocket launch into space.


Trying Not to Let Bitterness Build