Trying Not to Let Bitterness Build

On my way to Anna’s baby shower, I stopped at the bank to get some cash. I hate when banks only have outdoor ATMs. It’s like you’re asking to get robbed. I know they have those little reflectors to see who’s coming up behind you but typically by that point it’s too late. But whatever, I am running late and I am trying not to let bitterness build. Especially in anticipation of the shit storm that will most likely ensue at the shower between Simone and Carl. They’ve been having troubles for years and trying to conceive has just heightened that, so who knows how attending a shower for a looming baby that was unexpected, will turn up the dial.

I have to give them credit, this is a classy banquet hall for a shower. Understated yet has everything the guest could need without being too flashy. Everything these days just has been over the top. Tiffany and Pete’s gender reveal was done via a drone. They paid for a drone to tell them if they were having a boy or girl, when they could have just found out from their OBGYN with a $25 co-pay. But I digress.

I wasn’t sure how Asian fusion food would be in a catering hall but it’s actually done really well. They had tofu and edamame as appetizers with carafes of sake and water placed on each table. The thing that got me was the server passed shumai. I am a sucker for shumai. I don’t care where I am or how hungry I feel, I will pop shumai like candy until they run out of shumai or I explode. I freaking LOVE shumai!


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The Last Thing I Remember