Short Stories

In 2020, some friends and I started a virtual group for all types of creatives to connect and collaborate. It morphed into a creative writing group that has lasted 3 years, where we take an hour each week to create a fictional piece of work off of a few word prompts. Here are some of those creations.

Trying Not to Let Bitterness Build
Short Story, Creative Writing, Mystery Tracy McHugh Short Story, Creative Writing, Mystery Tracy McHugh

Trying Not to Let Bitterness Build

On my way to Anna’s baby shower, I stopped at the bank to get some cash. I hate when banks only have outdoor ATMs. It’s like you’re asking to get robbed. I know they have those little reflectors to see who’s coming up behind you but typically by that point it’s too late. But whatever, I am running late and I am trying not to let bitterness build.

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